PHHP Phyto Products - PHHP Ophira Collagen - for Skin Beauty and Keep Osteoporosis at Bay



PHHP Ophira Collagen

PHHP Ophira Collagen is a unique product made up of special formulation; 100% hydrolyzed marine fish collagen peptide, specifically formulated with fortification of various vitamin C components and antioxidants. 

Why do we need PHHP Ophira Collagen?
Do you know when we age, our collagen production decreases rapidly, especially when we reach the age of 25, collagen in our body decreases at the rate of 1.5% every year. Due to our unhealthy daily diet intake, we are depriving our body the necessary nutrition to repair and maintain the general health of our body.

Content of PHHP Ophira Collagen
  • High quality Marine Fish Collagen
  • Source of Vitamin C
    • Acerola (Malphighia blagra)
    • Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L)
    • Lycopene
    • Orange
Lycopene (tomatoes)

The Benefits of Consuming PHHP Ophira Collagen
  • It promotes skin beauty - delay aging, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, improve skin elasticity, enhance and promote skin radiance, suppleness and smoothness, reduce pigmentation and increase hydration.
  • It helps prevents osteoporosis among the aged group of people - strengthen bones, strengthen muscle flexibility and improves joint flexibility. For the younger group of people, consuming PHHP Ophira Collagen helps maintains healthy bone and joints structure.
  • It enhances overall general health - promotes healthy hair, nails, eyes and sex life! It serves as lubricants to 'smooth' out every parts of our body for general health maintenance purpose.


After taken PHHP OPHIRA COLLAGEN for 1 month, Madam Soo's skin became firmer and has glowing shine on her face.
A happy and satisfied customer, she is, because she received good comments from her husband, relatives and friends.

Amanda has spots on her face on the 3rd year after giving birth to her 2nd daughter. She tried many methods to get rid of them but unsuccessful. Spots on the face diminished considerable amount after 2 months PHHP Ophira Collagen consumption.
Collagen has moisturising and whitening effects on our skin after long term consumption. She's a happy customer as she has found her 'secret friend' for her beauty regime. Also, she's taking PHHP Phyto Fiber to help detox in order for better absorption for taking Collagen.

After taken 3 boxes of PHHP Ophira Collagen, Madam Chen's face became firmer and brighter.
She has regained her youthful confidence as her husband and children have noticed her skin changes for good reason.
She loves the attention so much and she's enjoying it!

Helen used to have sullen and dark skin due to her insomnia problem. Her friend recommended PHHP Ophira Collagen for her to try out, fortunately she did. She's satisfied with the result after taken it for 2 months. Her skin became brighter, firmer and one thing she stressed,"LESSER WRINKLES!". She receives a lot of compliments from family and friends. Also, she started to sleep better when she began her 2nd box of collagen. Also, she has been diligently taking PHHP Phyto Fiber for colon cleansing and detox purpose.

Recommended Consumption
Place 2 sachets of PHHP Ophira Collagen into a shaker, add 100 - 150 ml cold water, shake well and drink it. You may mix this product with fruit juice for better taste. Having it on its own already tastes very delicious.

It's advisable to consume it before meal, best taken it before going to bed at night. For optimal result, 4 sachets a day; 2 in the morning and 2 at night.

Gentle reminder: Do not use HOT WATER.

PHHP Ophira Collagen

Flavor: Original or Berries

Content: 7 gm x 30 sachets

Price: RM 133 (1 box)

(Note: Free courier delivery in Peninsular Malaysia only)

Give it a try today and hit the ORDER button NOW!

Call me @ 018 - 316 8782 (whatsapp) Melissa