
PHHP Promotions

Great news! PHHP is running few promotions for your general health maintenance purpose. 
It's a undeniable fact that the current health diseases like high blood pressure, heart problem, diabetics, high cholesterol etc. are mainly contributed by the food we eat. 
We are too pampered with variety of great and delicious food in Malaysia.
We have to admit sometimes we tend to overeat to satisfy our wants but not our needs.

Well, don't worry, just remember to detox when you know you had too much of that rendang chicken and nasi lemak your mum cooked during the weekend ;p

Detox Package

This package is a 15 days detox program to help cleanse your toxic laden colon and replenish your intoxicated blood with fresh one. Results: You'll feel more energized and 'lighter'/ 'slimmer' you.

  1. Before brush your teeth in the morning, drink 30 ml of PHHP Phyto Chlorophyll.
  2. Before breakfast, mix 1 sachet of PHHP Phyto Fiber with 200 ml PHHP Phyto Aloe Vera Juice for more effective colon cleansing process for the first 5 days program. Shake well and drink it immediately. Best drink it in the morning so you can drink more plain water (at least 2 liters) to help flush out more toxin.
  3. You may enjoy your daily 3 meals as normal. Remember, drink plenty of plain water.
  4. Happy Detoxification!
To purchase, please
Call me @ 018 - 316 8782 (whatsapp) Melissa

Beauty Package

Yup, this is a special 30 days PHHP Beauty Package program for you ladies out there. Look no further to see improvement on your laughing line (or we called it 'wrinkled' skin) with this combo beauty package.

Benefits of each PHHP product:
  • PHHP Ophira Collagen helps to replenish your skin elasticity ability and also helps rebuilds your joint cartilage. 
  • PHHP Phyto Chlorophyll helps to 'cleanse' your intoxicated blood so you'll feel more energized with your daily chores.
  • PHHP Phyto Royal Jelly helps supplies energy and improves your stamina. It helps in improving your skin complexion too.
  1. Before brush your teeth in the morning, drink 30 ml of PHHP Phyto Chlorophyll.
  2. One hour before breakfast, take 2 capsules of PHHP Royal Jelly. It's best to be taken on empty stomach.
  3. One hour before going to bed, shake 2 sachet of PHHP Ophira Collagen with 100 ml room temperature water. Shake well and drink.
You'll notice a positive change in your skin after 15 days consumption of the product. 
So, be consistent and soon you'll achieve your dreamed youthful and healthy skin complexion.

To purchase, please
Call me @ 018 - 316 8782 (whatsapp) Melissa